hummingbirds wrote:
....have you ever had a situation when traveling that caused you to need or potentially need your weapon to protect yourself?? ...
No, never. And I hope it stays that way!!!
If I ever have to do so, it means I have failed to avoid the situation in the first place. This is not an experience to seek out or wish for. And if it happens, then the compelling event is just the beginning. Interaction with law enforcement, criminal courts, and civil courts could end up being just as damaging.
See, that is the thing... Carrying a firearm puts me in a different frame of mind. I have an obligation to avoid confrontation, and I have a requirement to walk away instead of allow something to escalate to that level. Failing to do so makes me legally liable should deadly force be needed.
With that in mind, I encourage you to think that every "no" answer you get on this thread is really a positive answer. I don't think trying to count yes/no answers will determine a probability and help you make this personal decision - especially in something like an Internet forum. If you want to know about times people have employed a firearm to successfully defend themselves, reach out to resources like the NRA. They will often have stories which received little/no coverage in the main stream press.
Good luck with your decision.