mike-uswest wrote:
I was wondering the same thing for California, is there a website to give a listing on that? I do have a concealed permit for Oregon.
this last spring I had to move 6 long guns and 3 hand guns from Redding Ca. to so. Oregon and I went to the CHP office and asked how can I transport them in my truck.
The long guns in the back seat uncovered and the amo in the back end
( I have a camper shell )NO amo in the same area as the guns.
Hand guns are a little different you have to lock the hand guns in a container with out amo and the clips, put the amo in a differ place than the guns.
I was holding them for friends as they went into a assisted living home than after things were settled I returned them for sale.
Always check the states that you are going to be in for the regulations.