The only gun my father had was the Springfield he carried in France in WWI - an act that gave the Swedish immigrant his citizenship. With great pride I still have that rifle in my office area at home - along with his dogtag and war decorations.
At age 12 I wanted to hunt so got a shotgun for pheasants; northern IL. As the years passed I got a couple of handguns and a .308 for deer hunting. Sold them all when we moved to Estes Park - except for my Remington Sportsman 58 shotgun from when a kid (still have it). I musta figger'd that with Thunder Mountain in Estes we had all the fire power we needed! (Just kidding - did not know him then and we still have not met).
But I got Cal about 5 years ago - now living between Tucson and the Mexican border. But also when we hike there is an issue - could be - with bears, mountain lions, etc. Barbara not thrilled with it but will pull it from the pack and hand it to me if needed; she has never fired it which would be something to see; she is a slender lass of 106#.
When I got the CCW they emphasized that shooting is a last resort in any situation. And my retired LE guy reminded me that behind every shot by a citizen is a lawsuit. Pretty much true I think.
I pray to God I never have to use Cal except on the range.