jefffoxsr wrote:
In Michigan and other states is a person allowed to keep a shotgun or revolver in an RV without a concealed carry permit?
I was going to keep quiet on this subject, but there has been so much mis-information posted reference Illinois that I felt I should post.
My opinion/knowledge of this subject is based on 33 years (now retired) as a LEO in Illinois, the last 22 of which were as an Illinois Trooper.
Illinois firearm laws could apply differently between MH RV's and pull behinds (either FW's or TT's).
When traveling down the road in a FW or TT, or while camped, it is your residence. You could have guns laying all over the place in plain sight. There are some different laws that pertain to securing firearms in a residence where children are present, etc., but generally speaking your firearm, loaded or not in one of the aforementioned RV types would be perfectly legal while traveling/camping in Illinois.
Now if you are a convicted felon and can not legally possess firearms, then that opens up another can of worms. But just remember that for police to enter a residence they have to have a search warrant or other emergency circumstances have to be present.
Concealed Carry Permits were just passed into law for the first time in Illinois (last state to do so). That has changed some of the laws reference loaded weapons in motor vehicles. Here is the short version, if you are driving your tow vehicle, or MH in Illinois, your firearm must be unloaded, cased, and not within your reach. Does that mean your ammo can be in your glove box and your gun in a lock box on your back seat? Probably in some counties in Illinois they would prosecute you, and some may not.
The exception to having a loaded, reachable firearm in the vehicle while driving in Illinois, is if you are a LEO, retired LEO in good standing and certified to carrying a firearms from your home department, or if you as a citizen have an Illinois CC permit, or a permit from another state that Illinois recognizes (good luck with that one).
I would never tell anyone that all of Illinois roadways or cities are safe. If you want to be murdered the second best place to go, after south of the U.S. border, would be Chicago.
I carry and I would encourage most to carry if they can do so in a safe and legal manor.