I had an employee who took his two week vacation to run a fireworks stand in Texas a few years back. He was convinced it was going to be a money making gold mine. He won't be doing it again. He figured he made about $6.00 an hour since he had to open at the crack of dawn and didn't close until nearly midnight. Of course there was no air conditioning, so it was hotter than Hades, and a good portion of his profits went to ice, soda and water. His deal was he bought the fireworks from the stand owner, sold what he could and then the owner bought back the remaining inventory. The fine print later revealed that buyback amount was "true" wholesale which was less than what his cost was for the fireworks he sold. His total net(after covering space rent, inventory, stand rent, additional labor, the aforementioned water and ice, electricity etc.) was somewhere around $1000 and he put in a good 160 plus hours in the Texas heat. Good thing was he sure appreciated his job when he got off "vacation".