Thanks for the kind words, all of you. We have so much enjoyed this adventure, and I have been excited to share with some who perhaps, like ro_sie cannot go on their own. It has been my pleasure.
As usual, we have learned a lot this trip. How to check completely when making reservations (no electric or water). That stuff just happens, no matter the age of your equipment (bad gas in a newer generator still won't work). How you have to prioritize, when running a generator, even augmenting solar panels. That four batteries are better than two. That just because GPS says "Go this way."doesn't make it the right way to go! There are lovely, caring God loving people all over this country (and a few stinkers!) That even a big 'ole tough Ford F-350 dually, may need a little Subaru if you leave the 12 volt cooler plugged in overnight in 21 degree high desert!
But most of all we learned to be grateful. It's hard to be proud, and high falutin' if you are truly grateful. Because grateful means giving thanks to Someone else for what we have. Even the ability to keep a job, and have a career from which to retire is not a given in this world. Just last evening, as we made our way to our last night of free camping (this time at Casino Queen parking lot) we passed a poor soul huddled in a pile of blankets under the street car tracks. How or why this person got there is likely not their fault at all. Just the way things are in this world. Sometimes up, sometimes down. "The rain falls n the just and the unjust, as well." Some things we can control, but most things are out of our hands, completely! You may choose to call this fate, we choose to call Him Jesus. Not insisting anyone else see things our way, just not ashamed to call Him, Lord!
When we get home and the dust settles in the driveway a little, I promise to hook up to my wifi at home and get these pictures resized, so I can post some more. Can tell you up front (spoiler alert) the Grand Canyon has not changed a whole lot that I can tell in the past 150 years, or so! Who has never seen pictures of that wonder? But when you're there, it just seems like the thing to do, take pictures! Lots of them! So we did. And I will post as I have the chance.
So, the First Snowbird Adventure winds down, but not the last (we hope)! God willing, there will be others. Things, unexpected will happen, and we will learn from them. Life lessons, I hope. One of the best arguments I ever heard in favor of eternal life of some kind, is that it just seems a darned shame to spend your whole life to learn how stuff works, and how people act, and just when you begin to get life figured out, YOU DIE!!!
I would much rather think we go through life, learning how to be good hearted people who still make mistakes, in preparation for a life of company with those we love including the Lord who pursued and saved us. Just makes more sense to me, I guess. Again, not demanding anyone follow our lead, just puttin' it out there for some to think about.
Coffee is made, the wifey will be pulling herself our of bed soon. Daisy has had her morning constitutional, and we will hit the road for the last 4-5 hours. Our driveway will look pretty good, although we will be a little sad to see this journey end. However, I am still not looking forward to the back-in the drive any more than the first time I did it!
Be safe travelers! Happy Camping! And stay tuned for pictures, and the Second Snowbird Adventure, Idaho Rockies edition! Love, David & Debra