Dear ro_sie and others. Just a short wrap up. We got home without incident, which is something notable, in itself! It has been very cold and wet, since we arrived. Even snowed a couple times! Crazy April Indiana weather!
I have worked hard, most days on a list of things I need to accomplish before the next trip that starts the middle of June. It seems like everytme I cross something off the list, I add two more! Things like mounting the solar panel on the roof, creating some safety wheel brackets for the rear frame of the RV so I don't ever scrape bottom again, when confronting a dip! I have completely unloaded the RV, including clothes to reload things I actually need to take! That may sound obvious, but until you travel and live in a place for a few weeks, you don't know what you realy need. We had a Bunch of stuff, I only carried because I thought I might need it someday. Foolish! Cleared out many items and reduced some weight. Much more realistic load, now
We continue to stay in the RV. Our son and granddaughter are in the house, anyway, and what's the use in making them move everything for a few weeks of our being in the way? We do communion preparation for our church for April and I volunteered to give a buddy a break from teaching Sunday School for May. Then after that were off to Idaho for the summer! I know, what a rough gig!? We can hardly wait!
I did read, today, they're getting some much needed rain, near Apache Junction today, so good for them! They can sure have some of this! That's about all to report, for now. I know I promised some more photos, and that plan is still on the list. Turns out, it's harder than I ever thought to resize a bunch of pictures at once. I now wish my phone camera didn't take such clear pix! NOT! THe clarity is amazing for anything that doesn't claim to be a camera. I will just have to learn more about it. If anyone has ideas about this dilemma, please let me know. I have looked at shapchat, flickr, photobucket,maybe a couple others. They all take much more time and effort than I want to spend on this right now.
Happy Camping, Friends, and Neighbors! Stay safe and watch out for the other guy (or gal!)