We do the same thing about the fireworks Trojan. In fact, because we live on a hill, we can open our bedroom blinds and see all the fireworks from on the downside of the hill from our bed. One of our dogs doesn't mind the noise, but the other one is scared to death of them. He stayed cuddled up to me and finally fell asleep. I hope eventually he will get over being afraid if we continue to not act upset over them.
We have been slowly getting the MoHo ready to scoot out of here on Saturday. I cant wait to see that Arch in St louis. Once I get across that river, I am HOME. I have lived more years away from Missouri than I lived in Missouri, but it is still home for me.
I started a new book this morning. Only read 35 pages so far, but I love it. " the man who saved the union....Ulysses Grant in war and peace". I love American History, so I will be devouring this book. read and reread.
Going to head on out of here. You all have a great day. Do that exploring while you can.