I've not done work camping, but I suspect if I had to work 32 hours as an individual, I probably would turn that down. My free time is worth more than that, and I think it would be worth more than that when I finally retire.. won't know for sure until then.
I applaud those of you who do volunteer in exchange for whatever compensation you get (free camping etc). If I had to work 32 hours a week, I would equate that to 320 dollars per week, before taxes (assuming my work was worth $10 per hour). If a park costs $30 per night, thats $210 per week, which means I'd be working for less than minimum wage. Naw, wouldn't be worth it to me. 32 hours is becoming the new definition of full time, and there would have to be more compensation than just the accommodations.
Now, 32 per couple might be different. But 32 per person... nope, not worth it.