Sandy & Shirley wrote:
az99 wrote:
Sounds like you convinced yourself against the Elite. Good Luck.
We were totally leaning toward the Elite and then read some other posts about it. The posts were not glowing and also not bad. Some liked it some did not. We were disappointed that the monitor in the Motor Home was wired and only gave you a single led to say the brakes are on or off. The problem was that it was connected to the Elite and only told you if the Elite was asking for brakes, if the proper slack was not in the cable connection you might not have brakes! There was also no way to make any kind of adjustments from the RV for things like sensativity. The adjustments were made by stopping, getting out, and adjusting the cable by hand. Also, our RV dealer and car dealer had never installed a cable controlled braking system.
The unit we chose uses a two way wireless monitor and adjustment system, and the RV dealer was very familiar with the installation process.
Like I said, you convinced yourself the Elite was not for you. I got mine several years ago, adjusted the cable once and threw away the worthless warning light. I and many others on this and other RV forums would use nothing else.
Good Luck with all the expensive bells and whistles. You probably better check into a remote TPMS for the toad also. :)