Forum Discussion

TrevorL's avatar
Jul 02, 2014

Florida Electronic title problems

Purchased my TT 3 weeks ago.the seller had the TT financed through USAA and i too had financing through them.. transfer of the funds went smooth. at the time i was told the TT had a florida title that was electronic and it would be sent out as a paper copy to me so i can register the TT in my name. well, 3 weeks has come and gone..USAA told me that the lean has to be realesed by the state of florida before it can be titled in my name here in NC... i called the florida DMV and they will not give me any info on the title status since its not technically in my name. understood.

long story short, im being told that the seller will be recieving the title, not me and i will have to rely on him to contact me when the title comes in. now im looking at 6 weeks without a title since the florida just now released the title but has no record what the status is now or when the paper copy will be mailed out.

anyone have insight on this process in florida? i live in NC and so does the seller. ive had the TT financed and insured in my name for 3 weeks now. im getting rather frustrated with this process. also to add fuel to the fire this is the same guy that im having issues with since the TT i bought had water damage and he will not make contact with me..on top of that, i found out his ex wife has to sign the title as well to release it...
  • Replied! Thanks for the info!

    Twomed wrote:
    Check your Private Messages

    Thank You for your service. :) :)
  • Check your Private Messages

    Thank You for your service. :) :)
  • we are both in the military and his home of record is Florida.we are not required to title our vehicles in the current state we live in on military assignment. i really don't know who's fault it is because both don't have a clue or can give me a straight answer as to where the title is.

    fla-gypsy wrote:
    So if you and the seller were both living in NC why did it have a Florida Title? A title transfer in Florida is very simple, the seller signs the title as the seller and hands it over to the buyer who is then responsible for transferring it and registering the vehicle (no notary required and the seller does not have to be present at the transfer). Since the lienholder probably had the Title in Florida it was the responsibility of them and the seller to get that lien placed by USAA satisfied with the State of Florida. USAA screwed it up and you have a beef with Florida DMV? I don't like the DMV but in this case USAA and the seller are the parties at fault. Considering the background on this deal you will likely never to get the seller to turn it over. You may need legal assistance.
  • So if you and the seller were both living in NC why did it have a Florida Title? A title transfer in Florida is very simple, the seller signs the title as the seller and hands it over to the buyer who is then responsible for transferring it and registering the vehicle (no notary required and the seller does not have to be present at the transfer). Since the lienholder probably had the Title in Florida it was the responsibility of them and the seller to get that lien placed by USAA satisfied with the State of Florida. USAA screwed it up and you have a beef with Florida DMV? I don't like the DMV but in this case USAA and the seller are the parties at fault. Considering the background on this deal you will likely never to get the seller to turn it over. You may need legal assistance.
  • This is a different situation, but on 6/13 I bought a motor home that was on consignment at a dealer in Florida. Check was made out to dealer, title was applied for, and I received the title from the state of Fl. in my name on 6/27.
    I would imagine, in your case, the previous owner has already received the title.
  • IMO, Florida has the most antiquated (manual) system anywhere. I spent an entire day wheeling my Mom around in a wheelchair from office to office getting the title to their park model mobile home transferred into her name after my Dad died. With apologies in advance, my experience with people in that kind of job live in constant fear of somebody asking them why they are getting paid.
    When my Mom died, she was back home in Ohio, I was working at a full time job and had no desire to ever own the place they had. So I signed over the title to their neighbors in Florida. That was in 1988. I don't know if it ever got resolved, or care.