Bumpyroad wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
Farm kids who shoveled out the stalls and slopped the pigs, tend to get sick far less often than those brought up in an anti-bacterial bubble. Unfortuantely more and more kids are being brought up in that bubble.
link to that study please
A simple google search on the subject brings back several pages worth of articles on the subject. Some are better sourced than others. I'll leave it to you to sort the wheat from the chaff.
How strong or exactly how they relate is still open to some debate but there is no question our immune systems react and learn based on what they are exposed to, so it's quite logical that if you never expose them, they won't know how to deal with exposure.
One point of order, this doesn't necessarily apply in a hospital or nursing home setting. If you have someone already on deaths door the teaching may kill the student, so these locations are a special case.