Charlie D. wrote:
I visited with Supercharged in a Costco parking lot in Phoenix a few years ago. Interesting guy and we had a long visit. He really has a supercharged Chevy. He has a cabin in the mountains in New Mexico overlooking a beautiful lake. I P.M.'d him a year or so ago and he responded. Spending time with his Grandkids. IIRC, his wife was having some health problems. P.M.'d him a month or so ago and haven't heard anything.
Hi, Charlie, yes my Chev has over 100,000 miles now no problems yet. I have been running a 450 Ford 30ft. Class B+ a Holiday Ramber, enjoy it a lot, took a trip to Mississippi on the river, spend soom time in Altus with my two brothers, and some time at the cabin also. Leave for San Diego the 19th to take care of kid dog as she is going to Iceland on a 10 day trip, then back home and off to Golden Co. with RV to a wedding. then a little time in Co. than back home for a week of so and off to close up the cabin. We are leaving in later Nov to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia,& Vietnam.
The wife is fine now, they are hard to find NOS parts for anymore. Thanks you and Joe for thinking about me.