But...many here, including lurkers who never post, view: "recommendations", "opinions", "what I do", etc as advice no matter what the qualifier or intent of that comment is
Ditto most who think an OEM's manual 'recommendation' does NOT mean you have to...not understanding the context of that 'recommendation'...if you don't follow their recommendation...then they don't have to provide warranty
In part why I'll never say 'sure you can' stuff, but provide metrics for folks to make up their own mind on these risk management decisions...AKA gambling....only to find that, that OP is just looking for confirmation of what they want to hear...not from me, they have to make up their own mind and only try to provide data for them to make up their mind
Do apologize for using "VERY BAD thing" in regards to lubing the friction contact areas...should have said 'in my opinion, I'd not'...I can live with that kind of noise, as know it is doing it's job...
To the PM on what is that 'crook' mentioned on cam'd systems
It is the spring bar (either round bar or trunnion bar) end that is bent to create a well or crook for the cam to nestle in. As the trailer moves off center, it will both pull/push itself out of that.
In doing so, it increases the spring bar's tension on the WD Hitch Head by lifting the spring bar higher
It is a metal on metal contact area. So it will protest rubbing metal on metal doing it's job...AKA resistance or friction. Lubing it will reduce that friction...the vary thing that it provides to control off cent movement...or sway
Hannibal wrote:
To clarify "my" posts. If I say "I" use a little marine grease on "my" L brackets to keep it smooth and quiet, that's only stating what "I" do. I'm happy with the results. We didn't have a sway problem before with the Reese HP with no sway control. That's not "advising" anyone else to do anything. That's simply stating what works for me. If all it takes to send your trailer out of control is a little grease on your L brackets, you have far bigger problems than reduced friction. That's not advice, that's my opinion based on my own experiences.