Jun 26, 2022Explorer
Fuel cost in your area
What is the price of fuel in your area and what is your general location. I am near Baton Rouge.
It is
4.33 regular
5.37 diesel
In my area.
It is
4.33 regular
5.37 diesel
In my area.
JIMNLIN wrote:
Poor big oil companies and especially their CEOs must have it bad now.
JIMNLIN wrote:
Just paid this 1 hour ago ...
regular...4.29 at my closest local gazz station
diesel...5.12 at the same station.
red diesel....4.79 at same station.
gasbuddy was off 10 cents to 37 cents in said station.
Poor big oil companies and especially their CEOs must have it bad now.
In 2021, Exxon Mobil made a record profit of $23 billion. But the profits gained came after it lost $22.4 billion in 2020 because of the pandemic.
S Davis wrote:
80 gallons diesel last fill up, $495.20