Without a skill that would transfer to traveling, it is going to be a very low income living. Most people making good money while full timing either have the ability to do their normal job via the internet (programming, tech support, accounting, etc.) or have a highly desirable, short in supply, skill. Things like being a nurse, pharmacist, Doctor, veterinarian, etc. where they can fill in for vacationing professionals. Even things like traveling salesperson doesn't really translate well because you generally have to travel where the clients are, and they tend to be in the big cities, not the tourist destinations people want to travel to. Job hopping from place to place isn't going to pay well and you will always be starting at the bottom of the totem pole, so to speak.
Some people chase the seasonal work, things like the Beet Harvest in the Mountain Northwest, the grain harvest in the Midwest, Amazon, pre Christmas, etc. But those are usually pretty tough jobs and you won't feel like you are on a vacation, you will feel like you are working for a living.
You really need to start out by figuring out what you like to do and what you are good at doing. Then you figure out how to make that work while on the road.