Forum Discussion

  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    When it comnes to Inverter Generators one of the things I like abou Yahama over the red ones is IT IS NOT RED.

    You see. the RED ones have a tendency to walk off w/o leave.
  • TurnThePage wrote:
    this deal is history.

    Thanks for trying to be helpful.

    (Not sure what precipitated the Champion Slam)
  • I have a Wen 10 gallon compressor that serves me well at home. Regardless, this deal is history.
  • Seon's avatar
    Explorer II
    My son bought a two a couple of years ago to run his AC on his 29' Carver boat while anchored then 6 months later I bought mine for around my property to plug in my electric tools. Nice and quiet that has performed great.
  • These "odd" brands of generators scare me ! Service and parts availability.

    There is a video on YouTube by a guy who bought a returned Generac IQ2000 from Home Depot. It was only about $100, but it was a gamble ! Turned o0ut to be a broke piston ring, but the real issue was finding a replacement. Hours on the phone with Generac and they had no solution.

    He found a piston ring from a different engine that was the right thickness and only required a small amount of filing to get the ring end gap into "spec". Started on the second or third pull, but he might have bought a $100 boat anchor.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Guess that's better than the construction Champion this guy here is running all day. The CG cheers when he turns it off.

    What park is that? No rules or requirements about genny noise?

    You must also cheer when the diesels fall silent and the motoboats boat away. Everybody likes silence, unless it is their noise.

    By the way, I have worked with a lot of construction generators and their 80-90db is much more than the loudest Champion at 68db.

    This WEN probably screams into overload like my neighbors Honda when he forgets to turn off one thing before running another.
  • Houston we have a problem. That thing is not red. :W

    Great Price
  • Looks like a nice genny, and for a great price! If they have good customer support, and available service centers, would be a nice unit for the occasional user, not wanting to spend a lot.

  • Guess that's better than the construction Champion this guy here is running all day. The CG cheers when he turns it off.