Forum Discussion

K3WE's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

Gas- cheaper during holidays?

Ok, no need for tin foil hats, but am I the only one who thinks that there's now a new set of rules that gas prices creep down for holidays and go up inbetween (and that this is the opposite of what it used to be- and the opposite of we've always been told?)

It seems like sometime last year ...labor day or Thanksgiving.... prices dropped....

Christmas time, spring break, Memorial Day, 4th of July- it seems there's a consistent trend- prices drop and even get "almost nice"....then rude, sudden, big increases!

Yeah, there's some external things they can point to and I don't want to say it's total price fixing, but I sure don't think it's happening to give folks a break for vacation....

(That and it also seems that anytime the media says something, the opposite promptly happens with respect to gas prices)

Anyone else have similar questions?