Forum Discussion

K3WE's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

Gas- cheaper during holidays?

Ok, no need for tin foil hats, but am I the only one who thinks that there's now a new set of rules that gas prices creep down for holidays and go up inbetween (and that this is the opposite of what it used to be- and the opposite of we've always been told?)

It seems like sometime last year ...labor day or Thanksgiving.... prices dropped....

Christmas time, spring break, Memorial Day, 4th of July- it seems there's a consistent trend- prices drop and even get "almost nice"....then rude, sudden, big increases!

Yeah, there's some external things they can point to and I don't want to say it's total price fixing, but I sure don't think it's happening to give folks a break for vacation....

(That and it also seems that anytime the media says something, the opposite promptly happens with respect to gas prices)

Anyone else have similar questions?
  • I think a lot of people drive less during the holidays as they aren't commuting to work ! I for one stay home during the holidays.
    In california i think we have longer commutes then some parts of the country. some times 100 miles plus one way!
  • When I was a kid we had gas wars...the price would be $0.30, there would be a gas war and the price would drop to $0.20 until the gas war was over then it would go up to $0.33 for a while, then another gas war and it would drop to $0.25 then go up to $0.38 etc. It was nothing but manipulation by the gas companines to raise the price. I think the same thing is going on just on a bit grander scale.
  • Here when the media says prices are going to go up, they do. Our last round of increases were a 30 cent jump followed before a week was up by a 25 cent jump. prices go up by quarters and fall by pennies.
  • I think fuel prices are all over charts. I still think fuel companies push the limit to see how much we (the American public) can tolerate until we fuss. Then they back off for a token amount, and we're dupped into thinking we're getting such a wonderful price again, then they push the limits again, and again, and again. Each time de-sensitizing us what use to be considered a "horrid" price, which we think now is a "bargain!"

    I don't think it has anything to do with holidays.