CA Traveler wrote:
Many good points above. We avoid debit cards since once the money is taken out it's gone period. We had a few fradualent CC charges which got resolved. One was a $900 pair of hiking boots (not a typo) and they called UPS the day before delivery and changed the address and a "lady" took delivery.
You make a good point.. We generally don't use our bank debit/credit card on trips or on the Internet.. That could get ugly in a hurry since that bank card can be used either way and if compromised they could easily empty the checking AND the attached bank savings account..
the only real credit card we have is mainly used for Internet purchases so we do not have to use our Bank card.
Generally only use our bank card at local grocery, WM, Sams.. All other is mainly cash only..
Prepaid "debit" cards are a whole different animal, pay a small fee ($4) and put up to $500 on it..
Works and acts like like a debit/credit card for the most part but now you have complete isolation from your bank debit/credit card including your name, address or any other form of your identity.. Someone steels the numbers of that card, the absolute max they can get is the leftovers from filling up.. And with a truck that has 34 gallon tank plus we haul a extra 15 gallon spare reserve bed tank a fill up can take $130 or a bit better..
With prepaid debit cards, if you venture too far from the originating zipcode, the card readers you use it in WILL ask for the zipcode it was purchased in.. Lots of zipcodes to choose from and that would frustrate a skimmer thief..
This way we can plug the prepaid card into any station reader and even if there is a skimmer on the pump, they get virtually nothing for their efforts from me..
Add in that most stations often will put a "hold" on the account numbers for $75-$100 which can trigger your CC or bank card to be declined at the next fill up if the hold is not removed fast enough (typically holds are dropped in 24 hrs but some places may take two or three days to clear).