Green Goblin wrote:
I have been researching credit cards and gas cards for the last couple years now. One of the cards that has the best returns is a Shell card. What comes in second is Chase. Given that RVing requires a lot of gas and utilities (lp tanks) that get purchased at gas stations. What do you use for a CC? There isn't one universal card for Coast to Coast use because most gas stations are typically grouped into regions. What I have found, for myself, is my REI credit card. The 2% I will get back is used for camping gear replacement every year. I will probably average into the 100s to a 1000 as I already get back about 250$ each year with normal use. So what do you use for coast to coast use?
I mostly use the Costco Visa, but also have the REI card same as you, and BofA visa for mostly business. REI is spent at the store, other two give cash.
Chase is on my cancel list as they backed out of an agreement. By the time the NY AG made them retract the change, the scramble on my finances had already been done.