path1 wrote:
wny_pat wrote:
Johno02 wrote:
Most of the drivers know when a tire blows up and throws a gator, but are instructed by their companies to keep going and get away as fast as they can. Hoping noone gets an id or plate number. Trailer plate numbers don't make much difference, and id of the tractor is questionable. Hopefully there aren't any pictures to show in court.
None of the companies I worked for ever told me that. And my last 20 years driving was in petroleum transportation where it is against the law to move if you have a blown out or flat tire. And the company I retired from was a stickler for obeying the laws. Drivers who couldn't were fired quickly.
well maybe exceptions of their "fair haired boy", you know the guy that brings in the donuts for his dispatchers, every place has atleast one. Cuts a u-turn in a convenience store parking lot, has to snake around another rig, drives into tall grass and bushes on perimeter of lot , plows down a fire hydrant he didn't see (it doesn't leak) drives away, calls dispatch and waits on hold for his favorite dispatcher. Dispatch friend says "well if it's not leaking drive away, drive away quick". But the convenience store owner sees what happened, calls fire department next day and asks to test fire hydrant. Fire dept gives big bill to company. Company says it did not do it, not paying. Fire Depart breaks out convenience store camera footage. Dispatcher fired (12 years), driver fired (16 years)
In cold country - hydrants are "dry-barrel".
In warm country - hydrants are "wet-barrel".
Knock off a wet barrel and you have "Old Faithful" - and everybody
immediately knows who and what caused it, ROTFL.
Back to the truckers......
it *is* possible for a driver *not* to know (immediately) a tire blew on his trailer. A lot depends on circumstances, background noise, etc.
Read the many threads of RV railer owners who didn't know a tire blew on their trailer - until alerted to same by a passing motorist.
BTW - "we knew", LOL!
while making a (fortunately) slow turn from a side-street onto a major blvd, the weld on a steel wheel let go on a front "steer" tire/wheel on our ladder truck (an 85' snorkel "quint" = *Heavy*).
Tremendous *BOOM*!!One of the guys in a jump seat was sitting right over it..:E
No rig damage or injuries - but IMO the F/F needed a change of underwear!.:W