As I said, take youtube with a huge grain of salt as they are mostly "advertainment" when talking about products. The guy with a standard 5er hitch with no issues, generally isn't going to post about it.
So the premise of the original post that it's the "preferred" option is still false.
If the manufacture says it won't void the void the warranty, it's an option to go either way. As far as off road, usually, it's hitting the truck bed that's the limitation. Most 5er hitches have some side to side rotation built in. Where stock trailers can tilt more, is the overhang is narrow and much higher above the truck bed.
As far as day to day use, a 5er hitch is easier to use but it takes up bed space if you will be frequently using the truck for other purposes (far less of an issue while towing). Nothing earthshattering difficult but a little more of a hassle. (If you have the quick disconnects for the hitch from the pickup bed, it's not a big deal to leave the hitch connected to the trailer and just leave it connected to the trailer when you disconnect).