A year ago coming home from Florida overnighting at the Flying J just outside of Ohio our carbon monoxide alarm went off at 3.30 AM,this idiot from "quebek" pulled his fiver right alongside us and was running it's built-in genny with the exhaust pointing 3 feet away directly at our forward storage bay door,after waking us both from a sound(and needed)sleep I got up and knocked on their door several times but they refused to answer so at that point I decided to pull up stakes and head back to Ontario however I did leave him a note on his windshield thanking him for trying to asphyxiate us with it's genny's exhaust and allowing me four odd hours of sleep and hoped he had a pleasant night,of course being Canadian and I only read write and speak the Queen's English I doubt my "French" neighbour could understand the note so in the end I doubt it learned anything about his inconsiderate action. Like Ron White pointed out"you can't fix stupid".