No, I haven't replaced the fuel filter. But I would hope that when I brought it to the Cummins/Onan facility, told them it was a "new to me" generator, that it wouldn't start and to service and fix it, that they would have replaced whatever needed replacing. The gen set had 32 hours on it at the time. When I get over to the MH later this week, I'll pull the invoice and see what, in addition to the carb, they billed me for.
I'm not upset about having it serviced again. I was just surprised by the abruptness and totality of the failure without any forewarning - no hard starts, no burping, no rough idling etc. And now since it hasn't started since I got back in October, I suspect that the carb will be clogged again just because of the idleness and am wondering if it is replaced again, should I expect a working life in excess of 6 months?