Forum Discussion

Veebyes's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 23, 2017

Getting ready

Well now, we are a few days into official spring. The weather is warming up, supposedly, & it is time to think about spring overhaul, fix what is broken & replace what looks like it is about to break.

What is on your list?

The truck got its annual physical last fall & is good to go after a relatively low mileage season. The trailer got new rubber in the spring & the truck got new soles in the fall.

All was looking good till we hit some road junk in the last couple days of our season which did some serious damage to our sewer dump system which had to be tied up temporarily with zip ties.

We have the Drain Master system & everything from exit side of dump valve to storage door needs to be replaced plus getting another electric dump valve to keep as spare. Estimate with shipping, $400. OUCH!

Also have to replace center spring hangers due to enlarged holes. Over 100,000 miles will do that to them. Bought the hangers. Need to find a welder. Ah, the joys of lifting the trailer & removing wheels.

Get all that done plus the annual wax job & we will be ready for another 120 day trip. First stop for all this work is a boatyard.
  • Need to get to the storage unit and pull appropriate camping gear; I suspect this will not be a happy moment in my existence. Pretty sure I need to do a clean and maintenance overhaul to the white gas Coleman stove. Also make a repair in the sleeping tent's mesh.

    Toying with the idea of buying a large water filtration system and mesh bag.

    Just received the new Hannah Andersson sale catalogue and am ordering wearing gear for the kiddos; I do this every year as part of their camping tradition.

    Would be nice if I finalised the camping menu......sigh.

    Need to finalize what car to lease as opposed to renting; big deal in our lives. I almost feel like an adult.
  • First week in March we went from Indiana to Andrew Jackson State Park in SC (just South of Charlotte, NC) for the week. We left the day it snowed in Indiana and the trailer has been a nasty, nasty dirty messy, mess every since! It's STILL screaming for a bath! But the weather in Indiana just hasn't let up yet, although they say it's suppose to get warmer this week-end.

    But the ONLY thing on my list is to give that camper a bath! Someday! maybe just someday the weather will cooperate enough I'll be able to do it. FYI, the truck is STILL just as dirty!