Grit dog wrote:
Different situations.
Bug out bag, complete with the tin foil hat is a completely different story.
If y'all have either, and especially if you move it from room to room with you, turn off the TV, put out the joint cause you're already too paranoid, and go DO something! Anything really to help yourself get back to reality!
Odd Fema and the federal government recommend everyone have a 72 hour go bag aka bug out bag. It's not tin foil theory or paranoia. Ours contains essentials, clothing, first aid, coastguard rations, water and something to make shelter. It's like RV insurance, it's there if it's needed.
If we had an RV fire, that bag could sustain us for days.
In Dallas we had a ranger beating on our door to evacuate our campsite as tornados were touching down nearby. We grabbed our go bag and off to the tornado shelter we went. We pulled out a deck of cards from the bag to pass the time. We had lots of questions and comments on the bag and what was in it and how they were going to prepare one.