Forum Discussion

DutchmenSport's avatar
Jun 06, 2016

Going "cheap" - a new "rant" - just wondering "why?"

OK, here's my "rant" for the day! I just don't understand it, and every time I read a post it makes me cringe and sends spikes up my spine. Call it a "rant" if you want, but here goes.

We (all) spend a huge whopping amount of money for a decent RV, MH, TC, and tow vehicle for those with trailers of any kind.

But, when it comes to some thing, there's this on-going gnawing pain in my side when folks look for the cheapest way out. What do I mean?

"Cheap" weight distribution systems.
"Cheap" camping spots.
"Cheap" camping gear.
"Cheap" tires, but still want quality.
"Cheap" RV's but still want quality.
"Cheap" and easy meals.

You get the idea.

I just read a post where someone was wanting a "Cheap" weight distribution hitch system. And this got my feathers ruffled.

That word "Cheap" drives me crazy. "Cheap" (in my opinion) means lacking in quality or durability. It can also refer to the price of an item.

Face it... the RV lifestyle is not "Cheap" and it's definitely not "economical" either. From a financial perspective, RVing simply makes no sense at all. But neither does the cost of some other hobbies.

If someone is going to spend $70,000 for a really hefty tow vehicle and trailer, why "cheap" out with Weight Distribution.

If you are going on that 2 week annual vacation, why cheap-out at WallMart parking lots to avoid camping fees. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination?

I think you get my point. I think it's the choice of the word, "cheap" that irritates me. There REALLY is nothing "cheap" about the RV lifestyle. There may be better "economical" ways of getting the job done, but "cheap" is not the way to do it.

If you're going to RV, invest thousands of dollars in an RV and the machines to move them, and carry your family with you inside them, I would think everyone would want the absolute best, not something "cheap".

Everything from safety, to food, to entertainment, to location, to experiences, to the blankets and dishes you use in your RV, "cheap" is a word that should not be an option!

OK so much for my daily rant.

Just wait till I get on my soap box about that word, "upgrade!"
