I don't use wax. A friend gave me a bottle of ReJex I applied and found this stuff amazing. Better than any wax I have ever used. If your RV finish is in good condition, not oxidized, ReJex is the best product you will ever find. It must be applied in temps under 85 degrees, do not apply in sun, and after applied, no sun for 12 hours. Unbelievable results. I never believed it, but after I did it I'll never go back to wax. See www.rejex.com
From the ReJex website:
RejeX is a thin-film polymer coating, used instead of wax or polish, to provide the ultimate, durable high-gloss protective finish for vehicles of all types.
Entirely synthetic, RejeX's protective characteristics far exceed those of traditional wax products. It highly resistant to chemicals, detergents, acids and UV, which deteriorate paint over time.