RVUSA wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
Was talking to a Ryder truck tech the other day. Here is what I learned. Most trailer tires that lose their treads, do so, not because of air pressure, or heat, or any of the things we talk about a lot. They lose their treads because of curbing. Meaning they are dragged over curbs, or they hit curbs with their side walls. Tires hitting curbs with their sidewall. Cause the belts, and wires in the side walls to break, and when they do, they separate.
So IF you hit curbs a lot, Your tires are more likely to separate. Remedy. Swing out farther, give them plenty of room. IF you have to hit a curb. If possible. Hit it straight on, and not from the side. If you can't get into Hardee's with out going over the curb. Don't go.
I'm thinking rental trucks hit about 10000 more curbs than the typical rv does. The claim makes sense in his usage, but maybe not so much in ours.
Just giving some of the reasons. It really does not take but once to break the wires, and belts. And It's not a truck rental place. They take care of trucking fleets. And those are professional drivers. I'm betting a lot of weekend warriors drag over curbs a lot more than the pros do.
I do agree GoodYears suk