time2roll wrote:
BC4277 wrote:
I've had the GY Endurance tires on my TT for the past two years. They've worked great and haven't lost a pound of air pressure over that time.
I'm going catch a lot of flack for this next comment, but unless you increase the weight of your TT, I wouldn't run the tires at 80 psi. All you will do is wear out the center of the tire sooner. In my experience, my TT feels more stable when the weight is spread out equally across the entire tread width rather the center 1/3rd. Now, some will say OMG you'll have heat build up by running less than maximum air pressure. I bought a heat gun from Harbor Freight and check the TT and TV tire temperatures every time I stop, and have never a problem. Your TT was designed to run with tires inflated at 65psi and that is what I would run.
Modern steel radials actually hold the tread flat on the road for a wide range of pressures. Besides that most trailer tires age out long before you have wear issues. OK to run at 65 however I would be at 70/75 maybe 80 with no worry.
agree. bias ply tires were very load sensitive vs. tire pressure for even tire wear. Radial ply are very load INsensitive vs. tire pressure for even tire wear. The extra 20lbs is not likely to cause any wear issues.
As for the endurance, I replaced my Maxxis with Goodyear endurance when the Maxxis wore out. Endurance from the spec's is IMHO a better tire and was actually less expensive than Maxxis. So far so good with the Endurance, but then I've gone through 5 sets of tires on my two trailers and never had a failure. Tires wore out not aged out.