Thank you, Modracer & Ichabod for your mention of the drug that treats A-Fib. I believe controlling the A-Fib is the way to go since that will minimize blood clotting issues in the heart that result from it. I'm a firm believer in fixing a problem the right way rather than "putting out fires" and leaving the original problem unresolved.
Read a portion of another book today. I think it was called the "China Cure", or something similar. Many good points were made about the Chinese peoples' low cholesterol levels that were obtained by eating a mostly vegetarian diet (some levels were lower than 90. One woman had a level something like 64...practically unheard of in this country).
I never eat large amounts of meat but I think I'll cut back some and increase the veggies and fruit.
As a side point: another authority recommends grapefruit pectin (or was it fiber?) for lowering cholesterol and provides convincing results from tests that were undertaken.