Modracer wrote:
I had two TIA's 2 years ago. It turned out after MRI, Echo Cardio, CTA scan, that my Right Carotid although only 65 percent blocked, pieces of plaque were flaking of and causing the mini strokes. Had the roto-rotor on my right carotid (endarterectomy)Endarterectomy no further problems. Then I had A-Fib problems, did the Holter Monitor and ended up on Amiodarone to regulate rate and Xarelto to thin blood. So far no more problems after a year.
Walmart pharmcy wanted $300/mo. for the Xarelto( 30 tablets) (the Humana drug discount card didn't apply well to this medication). I did the Holt monitor thing, too and was prescribed a Calcium Channel Blocker. So far A-Fib ppears to be held in check. My pulse is normal most times now. I was having balance problems recently, possibly attributable to the Calcium Channel Blocker med. Afew days ago I kept falling to the floor for no apparent reson. Legs just gave way and down I went. My neighbors called 911 after I was able to get their attention. The EMT's used a portable electrocardiogram machine and found my pulse was normal, along with good blood pressure readings.
I have a doctor appointmnt Tues morning. Perhaps they can adjust the dosage of this medication if it is in fact causing a problem. There is a notice on the bottle that it may cause dizziness. I can't say I was really dizzy before falling to the floor. It was just a sudden loss of equilibrium.