Mr ed I can only hope your doctor can get the dosage right on your meds.
I also had the same problems as I have said in a previous post. To control my BP and A Fib.
The Beta Blockers did to me what you describe, dizziness and legs going out on you, Falling down is a big fear. That can kill ya.
Next up on my odyssey thru the drugs were the channel blockers which had some of the same effects but less pronounced.
After talking with my PA and doctor we came upon Angiotensin II receptor antagonists, also a BP med such as Losartan.
This has worked out well for me, with none of the other side affects.
There is a lot of stuff out there to treat this stuff, you just have to keep up the pressure on the Docs to get one that will work for you.
I am also on Warfarin, we decided that the side effects were safer than the other anticoagulants at that time. Cheaper too. I can live with the testing and diet, it isn't all that bad.
As a side note, you said that your blood work was good. Did they test for TSH? It is a thyroid thing and if it is out of whack just a bit it can make you tired and stuff. I had none of the symptoms of a thyroid problem. Mine was a bit elevated and the gave me a VERY small dose and I can't believe how much better I feel. Who knew?
I hope this may help you and get this all figured out and get back on your Game. Good Luck
Thyroid tests turned out normal. Thanks for the heads up..