Dec 09, 2020Explorer
Happy snow bird here !
Yesterday we got rid of our black water tank and are now hard plumbed to the sewer and have a residential toilet. No more chemicals and dumping once a week ! Guy
mikestock wrote:
I know this is semi-relevant. Bought my first fifth wheel from a guy who said he kept the rv parked in the same spot all season. He had an elaborate setup of split tubing, Y connectors and stands to keep his gray and black water tanks constantly open to the sewer. He only kept the fifth wheel for that one season and I found out why. He had several tools for unstopping the toilet.
On our first trip we thought all of our tanks were empty but the black water stopped flowing the first day. I discovered that he had left a build up of toilet paper and poop under the toilet. He had obviously treated the rv like a park model, thinking he could leave the black water outlet open. Somebody forgot to tell him not to do this. I, then understood why he got rid of the fiver. I finally broke up the mountain and all went well, thereafter. I never dreamed that anybody got out the dealer's door without a first-timer's warning.