Forum Discussion

wanderingaimles's avatar
Sep 29, 2018

Has anyone seen a Roxor used as a towed?

I have watched a few You tube vid's
and visited the site from Mahindra
I understand that some mods have to be done, turn signals, lights etc, has anyone been able to use these on road? And specific to here, can it be flat towed?
4 cyl turbo diesel willy's copy seems awesome.
I jumped to towed vehicles , why is this here?
Mod please move before the screaming starts.
  • If it is licensed and plated in one state, do others out west accept that?

    No, they don't. Even though it is licensed and plated, it is not a motor vehicle. It is a UTV. It is not subject to Federal safety and environmental regulations that govern automobiles. The title will show it as a UTV. I believe that some states title them as a motorcycle. It will have a sticker somewhere on it that states that it is an off road vehicle.

    Here is Colorado we have several counties that allow UTVs on public roads. I my county, Chaffee, only a few roads are open. It is a state by state option with some states allowing it to be under county or municipal jurisdiction.

    If you live in a state such as Colorado which will not allow you to plate a UTV, you will have to find a way to title and plate it in a state that does. Many snowbirds title and plate their UTVs in Arizona. My Polaris RZR is titled and plated in Montana. The plate is lifetime and cost $200. I have two registrations. One is on road and the other off road.
  • Thunder Mountain wrote:

    Now, back to your question about using on for a towed. This is an off road vehicle. Yes, you will have to make mods to drive in on the street, but you can only license it for on road use in states where UTVs and ATVs can be licensed and ridden on the street. Arizona and Utah come to mind.

    I saw a couple of these at a campground in Apache Junction last winter. Thought they were interesting. A friend of mine was looking at them last week and let me look at a brochure and specifications. The ground clearance in only 9". The max speed is 45 mph which might be problematic for on road use. The rest of the specs are really interesting.

    If it is licensed and plated in one state, do others out west accept that?

    I saw a user group that mentioned the speed being a limiting chip, some had deleted or modded it and speeds up to 70 were common.
    My curiosity was gearboxes handling 50-60 towed and if there was a major problem with bucking.
    Apparently the leaf springs and straight axles on this short wheelbase get quirky.
  • wanderingaimlessly wrote:
    I have watched a few You tube vid's
    and visited the site from Mahindra
    I understand that some mods have to be done, turn signals, lights etc, has anyone been able to use these on road? And specific to here, can it be flat towed?
    4 cyl turbo diesel willy's copy seems awesome.
    I jumped to towed vehicles , why is this here?
    Mod please move before the screaming starts.

    Do a search on "Roxor Mahindra lawsuit." They started building these under license from Willys. FCA may have a tough road.

    Now, back to your question about using on for a towed. This is an off road vehicle. Yes, you will have to make mods to drive in on the street, but you can only license it for on road use in states where UTVs and ATVs can be licensed and ridden on the street. Arizona and Utah come to mind.

    I saw a couple of these at a campground in Apache Junction last winter. Thought they were interesting. A friend of mine was looking at them last week and let me look at a brochure and specifications. The ground clearance in only 9". The max speed is 45 mph which might be problematic for on road use. The rest of the specs are really interesting.
  • Better get one quick. FCA initiated a trade dress lawsuit and design infringement suit against Mahindra USA and the parent company last week, seeing unspecified damages and immediate discontinuation of production. They are made (btw) in Farminbgton Hills, Michigan, not India.

    If the reliability is as good as Mahindra tractors, I'd be careful about getting one. I hear their tractors are basically junk.