My wife & I are fulltimers and have noticed something durin the past couple of years. Several trips ago, a truck diver emptied his pee bucket against the side of our rig while we were in a Welcome Center.
Took me a couple stops at the interstate rest areas to realize that the spots on the asphalt in the truck designated parking lot was not from leaking oil. I threw a pair of shoes out when I realized what I had stepped in.
YES they take their pee bottles and pour them out on the parking lot right after they pull in. Been there and seen it plenty of times. They don't even try to hide it.
The police should start ticketing them for this practice. It stinks, is unhealthy. Adults and children that unknowingly step in it bring it back into their cars/RV's.
After watching all the activity late at night with these same truckers in the truck stops I would find it hard pressed to find one that didn't have a transmittable disease. :(
Sorry but they can pull off and use the restroom like the rest of the human race. Peeing in a bottle while driving is IMHO barbaric. Has nothing to do with 'making time' especially since the law has clamped down on how far they can travel within given hour limits. It's just pure laziness. :R