valhalla360 wrote:
Reality is if $1.35/mile wasn't enough, they wouldn't find drivers, so people are managing their costs and making money.
Fact is they do not have enough drivers due to the low pay. I know of 3 dealers here in western PA who hire their own subcontractors or drivers and go pick up their units in Indiana. They were tired of the pissed off people who ordered rigs that took 6-8 weeks to be made, then sat on some lot in Indiana for another 6-8 weeks or longer waiting for the factory arranged transport company to get to it. Its been that way since they started coming out of the recession @2011/12.
Like everything else in the RV industry the delivery contracts are awarded to the lowest irresponsible bidder lol.
You can bet the transport company takes the largest slice of the pie, and skimps along throwing nickels around like they're manhole covers to their subcontractors. I'm also certain they take every opportunity to screw the sub out of every pennie they can. Just business really and the guy on the bottom rung of the ladder is who gets the mud from the boots of the guy above him on his noggin.