opnspaces wrote:
I'm with azdryheat on this one. Seems like we're seeing a cross section of human behavior out on the roads. What I find really disheartening is my fellow RV'rs, the self proclaimed nicest people in the world, putting others at risk. There are multiple posts above to rationalize why the poster is justified in driving in an unsafe manner. Justifications run the gamut from "I'm bigger and can't move over easily" to "I have the right of way and I'm going to take it" And I really love the quote "Not my job to merge you in, bud."
I truly hope that these kinds of quotes above are from keyboard warriors and not indicative of true driving styles.
That is great until they prove otherwise so many times.
Why do they hang on the rear bumper and so I ease on some throttle so they suddenly realize they have enough space to pass and cut me off with little to spare.
The others hang on the front bumper so I start to slow a bit and before long I realize they are doing same and we are both going 30 mph instead of 60. Great, now the person behind is road raging.
After a few of these we get bored and decide to just stay at a steady speed and let them deal with it. We get in trouble for that too. So much burden on the existing traffic to read the mind of the person merging on.
Do my best but it is tough at times.