I have to be honest, I am stunned that we have as few wrecks in this country as we do. From my experience as a police officer, it seems as though a large percentage of the population is completely unaware of anything happening more than 15-20 feet in front of them.
People texting, eating, fiddling with GPS, having multiple electronic devices stuck to their windshield obscuring their view, dialing their phone, putting on makeup, reading a magazine, etc.
I've been on traffic collisions with my lightbar activated and people will pull right behind me and honk at me to move... they have ZERO idea that the marked police car canted across 2 lanes of traffic with a full lightbar turned on is intentionally blocking the road.
We've all seen it in stop and go traffic where there is a fender bender wreck. Everyone knows that traffic is stop and go... but someone can't take the time to pay attention and runs into the guy in front of him.
Oblivious drivers, inattentive drivers, stupid drivers... they surround us every day. Its a miracle that we don't have more wrecks every day in this country.