tsetsaf wrote:
Outside of dui and medical emergencies why else would headons happen?
Police have many terms for this, Depending on the department.. DWHUA (driving with head up..... (I'll leave the "A" to you)
When I was working we had recorders on all lines so I could not use that phrase.. I sued "Driving with head up exhaust pipe" (Means the same thing don't you know).. I will explain how well that worked.
Rectal Cranial Insertion (Dearborn is a high class town).
My theory: Now the RV life style is not about rushing helter skelter to and fro. It is about stopping to smell the Lilacs (Much nicer than Roses) But some folks are in the Devil's own hurry to get where they are going.
And going head to head with 26,000 pounds of motor home using only 3,000 pounds of car.. Well that's one sure way to get there.
Me. I'm not in any hury.
Oh how did it work? Caller is describing the idiot in front of him... He's up tight, Very upset, and thus becoming a danger himself.. I said "So what you are saying is he's driving with head up exhaust pipe" Caller pauses a second to digest that.. Busts out laughing (no longer upset and uptight) and now a better driver as a result and says "It does mean the same thing dosen't it" I, of course, agreed... Oh we caught the idiot. and yes he was intoxicated.