Medical air transport:
The plans I’ve seen are not in anyway related to emergency helicopter transport.
The plans advertised for RVers who become disabled due to illness or accidents far from ‘home’ and need medically assistance during their travel home. That can be horribly expensive.
One of my friends suffered a heart attack in Pennsylvania one summer. Quite a distance from Dallas, TX. Lucky he had relatives in the area. The membership campground where he was staying helped his non-RV relatives pack up the 5er and moved it to secure storage on site.
He offered to pay for a plane ticket for a friend to fly from Dallas and transport the 5er to Texas, and fuel and overnight costs. Later in the winter friend was healthy enough to fly back to Dallas.
Unfortunately I’m old enough that about once a year one of my RV acquaintances has something similar happen. I’ve driven my truck near 1,000 miles to pick up a friends TT after his truck was destroyed in a wreck while not towing away from home. Lucky he was too injured to go to the effort to deal with purchasing another tow vehicle. Could easily have died in that wreck. Another friend drove out in his Suburban to drive him and wife home.
Did have one friend who died of a medical condition far from home. DW contacted a local Good Sam group who found her a consignment place to sell theClass A DP.
Overall I’ve found that when tragedy strikes, RVers are some of the best people possible at helping get a difficult problem solved, including getting a rig across the country.
One thing that we have done. We have given our children, both hers and mine (we are newly wed recycles) written instructions. If both or one of us dies far from home, we are to be cremated locally. No paying a lot of money to ship us home for burial.