We're used to going to the doctor for just about everything and anything and if needs be, hop over to the emergency clinic or the ER. Living in a city, everything is super nearby. An ambulance with paramedics is minutes away and they have a selection of 3 modern hospitals to take you to from where we live (in under 10 minutes).
Israel is so small that most of the population is minutes away from a good ER. I guess we're used to that. We "sampled" one hospital and several doctors during our year and a half road tripping in the US. Very high quality but can be far to get to. We were staying at a cabin in South Lake Tahoe when my kid wasn't feeling too well. The doctor was a 10 minute drive, which was fine but he sent us to the ER which was an additional 45 minutes drive. And South Lake Tahoe is by no means secluded or "empty".
And yes, I was very happy to be fully insured when I saw the hospital bill! It was over $2000 for seeing my kid for 3 hours, including blood and urine samples. That's it. No special tests, no overnight stay.