We travel fulltime since 2005 and DH has serious heart related issues. We went to Alaska five years ago. Rented a satellite phone for $400 for 3 months. Peace of mind in the event we needed emergency services. We also had a SPOT device so we let family know where we were every night.
When we started this journey, we purchased MASA (Medical Air Services Association). They provide emergency transport and a host of other services. DH's uncle had this policy and used it at least twice that we know of including a helicopter transport. Twice they returned them from Florida to Indiana on a medical flight to be at his home with his doctors. No cost to them. We purchased a lifetime policy and have never worried about this since. It even works worldwide. I contacted them when we went to Alaska just for verification and all was good.
We didn't tell his one cardiologist (about Alaska) who always thought we should get an apartment across the street from the hospital "in case something happened." His other doctors all said GO. If something happens, it happens. If you stay here something could happen as well. When his problems started he was not given much of a chance at survival. That was 20 years ago. If we had stayed home then, we would be miserable. Fortunately, we have been able to do a lot while keeping in touch with his doctors twice a year. If something comes up, we hang out near the doctors so he can get treatment. But we enjoy life to the fullest.
Be prepared and cover all your bases, then go and have fun.