Obama Care as it is improperly called is really Romney Care, it is the Ma, Affordable Health Care Act re-written for federal consumption..
I'm told it has a 97% approval rate in MA.. All the provisions of the law are basically the same, These laws have been layed side by side both by me and by people who make me look like a dunce, and we all agree they are effectively the same law.. and the existing already in place and has been for some time law has a NINTY SEVEN PERCENT approval rating.
Now you know why the publicans are campaigning against it so hard. They are making up lies and broadcasting falsehoods.. They fear that if the country, 2 years from now, sees how well it will work.. and we realize that it was a DEMOCRAT who, after over fifty years of yammering, got 'er done..
We just might not get a Publican President in 2017 (And if you think we get the new president in 2016 do not bother responding cause that will tell me YOUR IQ (President takes office in January).