No, no, I didn't explain myself very well. My subsidy if you want to call it that is 83 dollars a month. The other 235 dollars I'm saving is because the insurance company's that wanted to get into my states health exchange put forth there best deal and I got a better plan then what I had before for 235 dollars less. Because they either offered better plans or could not get into the exchange. If it hadn't been for the exchange this would not have happened. And, I don't really care is some really rich person has to pay a few bucks more so I can pay a few bucks less. I work full time and make about 28 grand a year. My insurance before was 534 dollars a month and I have never spent a day in the hospital in my 50 years of life, I never been to a emergency room, never had a broken bone, never been in a ambulance, don't smoke, don't use drugs, don't drink too much, and all in all I take care of my health and am quite healthy. My BMI index is just a tad high but, my new plan has will give me a free discount to a gym. The reason I take the blood pressure and cholesterol lowering meds is so I can stay healthy and I think I should be rewarded for that and not punished for it.