travelnutz wrote:
Also remember that many doctors and hospitals are refusing to accept patients with ACA and it's been on the news for months now.
It's been in the news and proven to be false.
ACA is not a different insurance. It is the same BCBS or Humana or other plan as people working for GM, the US federal government, or any other company.
There is no way for a doctor or hospital to tell if the patient's insurance card is for a BCBS plan purchased through an exchange or if it was purchased as part of an employer plan.
The same news outlets who say doctors and hospitals are refusing to accept ACA patients are the same one which said the Medicare Part B premiums will be $412 starting Jan 2013.
Funny, my premiums didn't go up.
Shows who can be trusted for the truth.
Yes, there are doctors who don't accept Medicaid, some who don't accept Medicare, some who don't accept military Tricare, some who don't accept VA, etc. That is their choice.
For at least 20 years in my experience, many doctors have offered lower rates to patients who pay cash rather than have the doctor file for insurance reimbursement.
Those are the doctor's individual decisions in an open free market.
Not a by product of ACA.