One of the nice things about the USA is we have fairly good to excellent hospitals dang near EVERYWHERE. And many walk-in Clinics as well.. My Primary happens to double as a walk in clinic (I see Dr. Columbo by appointment but he, or generally his PA's, take walk in.. I credit one of his PA's with the fact I'm sitting here typing instead of pushing up grass in White Chapel by the way. (That's a cemetery folks).
Now what happens if I'm "Stuck" a thousand miles from home?.. I get a back up health care plan in palace and I did
What happens if I have an EMERGENCY health wise a thousand miles from home?
Well.. First there is the ambulance trip to ye-old-body shop (hospital) Now, odds are my insurance may not pay for all of it.. So if there is any left over billing.. I send it to MASA (Medical Air Services Assc) out of Flordia and they pay it.. Yup, I have the Gold Card.
And if I need "Long term" care.. Well they will send a transport (Ambulance0 to take me to a nearby airport. a private JET to an airport near homne. and another ground transport to the long term care facility..
OH, and a porter to drive the RV home.
What happens if I die? Well the destination of the 2nd ground transport changes..
IN my wife's case. Since we have decided on Creamation, Which I had done near the point of death (easier) MASA paid for my Expenses drivig her "home" (Gas for the RV) .
Was not much (Less than $500) but had I ask they would have flown her ashes to White Chappel.