I've been keeping an eye on this thread and while I've learned a lot I'm still confused on the winter care of our TT. Where we lived in the past humidity was not ever a problem.
I've come to the conclusion that we are not going to cover it (sure glad I figured that out BEFORE we purchased the cover). Hopefully we can get a bay type cover built for it next year. We live in W. WA and our humidity and rain factor are certainly an issue.
I found a nice used dehumidifier that I'm going to run in it a couple times a week. I've been keeping a lg. bucket of Walmart moisture granules in it whenever we are not using it.
I also keep the bathroom vent cracked open, and a galley/kitchen window open about 1/2". I too wondered about the logic of keeping windows cracked open during the winter for ventilation then battling the moisture inside. I understand the benefits of keeping the blinds pulled up for the rare days that we DO get some sunshine.
Does running the heater help? If I have it plugged in to run the dehumidifier I can alternate and run the furnace occasionally too.
I have asthma, and a moldy TT will do me in.