Thanks and it sounds like others have had the same issue this year. I found some mold mildew remover at walmart that was safe for upholstery. I spent 2 days cleaning the camper in 90 degree weather but we think we got is all cleaned up. Have kept the windows open and fan on,sofa cushions have been outside airing out for 5 days. We leave for vaca for St. Augustine in a few day and we will be running the a/c so should get good and dried out. I still want to get some microban and unless I find a place that sells it locally will have to order on line. We will probably put the cover back on but use damp rid and crack a window, possibly open vents,depends on the weather. We will be sure to keep an eye on it. This new ADCO cover is great but they are a pain to take on and off a lot and apparently it was nice and dark in there along with all the dampness did us in. An RV port would be the ticket but is not an option at the moment.